If you're looking to conduct any arrest warrant search in the county of Fort Bend Texas you've come to the right place. On this page we have listed many resources and links to get you started. Some are at the county level and other are statewide search options. Local law enforcement agencies take Fort Bend County arrest warrants very seriously. If you find yourself with an arrest warrant in Fort Bend be sure it will catch up with you. To assist you in finding county warrants and arrest records you can use the tools below to search outstanding records in Fort Bend Texas.
Fort Bend County Arrest and Warrants Search
The best place to begin an arrest warrants search in Fort Bend County is the Sheriff's Office. Their address is 1410 Williams Way Blvd., Richmond, TX 77469. In addition to upholding the law in Fort Bend County the sheriff's record division is responsible for keeping detention and criminal records as well as performing criminal history checks and providing copies of offense reports to the public. From this link you will find more information in case you need to contact the record clerk's division.
The main site for Fort Bend County has a wealth of resources to search for records. There you will find links to the county clerk, district clerk, court information and more. There is also a court records research page with links to various categories to court record searches. From each of those links you can access a search system that will show results for civil cases, criminal cases, misdemeanors, probate records and more. You have the option to search by name or case number if you know it.
Expanding an Arrest Records Search
The Texas Department of Public Safety offers an online statewide search system tool which allows you to search records for all of Texas. It's a reputable source since it's from a government site. The types of records found in the database are for criminal offenses more serious than a class B misdemeanor.
They also have a sex offender registry which offers an e-mail notification system for the public to subscribe to if they wish to be alerted when a sex offender has a change of status. For both services you will have to open an account with a username and password in order to get the records or notices you want.
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has a link on their home page for an offender search. You can search by name, TDCJ number, or SID number. Note: while the service is fairly accurate you will only get results for citizens currently incarcerated in the Texas correctional facilities.
The option to do a search directly from this site is always there for your convenience. Start by typing in the first and last name of the person you want to search and our database will pull all available records on file instantly. You will have access to background history and criminal records for the entire United States, not just Texas, which is a bonus. All our searches are confidential and 100% guaranteed.
Fort Bend Jail and Inmate Search
If you want to search inmates in Fort Bend County you can do so by the Jail Public Information Inquiry page on the Fort Bend County site. The results are derived from the sheriff's office database. You can search by first and last name for anyone who has been arrested in Fort Bend and processed through the detention facility. It is also possible to obtain information by turning to the Detention Division. Their address is the same as the sheriff's office, 1410 Williams Way Blvd. Richmond, TX 77469.
County Court Records in Fort Bend
From the Fort Bend County site you can access a court records search page. You can view civil records, felony and misdemeanor records and other types of public records from this one link. The county clerk and district clerk of Fort Bend are there to help you in any court records search. The county clerk's address is 301 Jackson Street Richmond, TX 77469. You can call them at 281-341-8652. They also have an automated information line which is available 24/7 and can be reached by dialing 281-341-8685.
If you need information regarding a felony case, the district clerk is the best resource for this type of search. Their address is 1422 Eugene Heimann Circle Richmond, TX 77469. You can call them at 281-341-4515 for assistance.
Fort Bend County Arrest Warrant and Court Records Search
Fort Ben Sheriff's Office/
1410 Williams Way Blvd.
Richmond, TX 77469
Phone: 281-341-4704
Fax: 281-341-4701
Fort Bend Detention Division
1410 Williams Way Blvd.
Richmond, TX 77469
Phone: 281-341-4704
Fax: 281-341-4701
Fort Bend County Clerk
301 Jackson St,
Richmond, TX 77469
Fort Bend District Clerk
1422 Eugene Heimann Circle Richmond, TX 77469
Fort Bend County Main Site
Texas Police Records
Texas Outstanding Warrants
Texas Arrest Records
Texas Court Records
Texas Civil Records